Tuesday, March 11, 2014

How to enable WSO2 Carbon Management Console via HTTP Transport

WSO2 carbon product management console is only exposed in HTTPS by default due to the security aspects. Anyway if someone want to access the management console via HTTP, It also possible. You can just configure it and access.

To enable admin console via HTTP,

1) Go to the $WSO2_HOME/repository/conf and open carbon.xml
2) Uncomment the EnableHTTPAdminConsole property. 


Then start the server. You can access the management console from


  1. Hi Nuwan, Thanks for the info. I am able to run wso2IS on http but not able to login do we have any workaround?

    Thank You,

  2. Hi,

    We need to have following configuration also to have HTTP access to the management console in IS 5.3.0

    Disable secure cookie parameter in $WSO2_HOME/repository/conf/tomcat/carbon/WEB-INF/web.xml file as well.


